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Is Poor Indoor Air Quality the new sitting?

Indoor air quality is becoming a BIG wellness issue in Canada as it continues to be a significant concern in other parts of the world. In places like China or India, outdoor air pollution has led people there to focus on their IAQ.

Closer to home, wildfires are a source of air pollution that can keep people indoors for days at a time. That outdoor air pollution doesn't stay outdoors when you close your windows. Also, the longer your home or office is closed up the stuffier it becomes and without air movement dust, allergens and mold spores can settle in.

Poor indoor air quality can lead to the quick spread of illness and deplete a workforce. But it isn't just a health can also be a huge productivity sap. High concentrations of carbon dioxide can make it hard to focus. An office that is too warm or too cold can also have an effect on productivity.

When you compare the effects of sitting too long at a desk (adverse effects on breathing and blood circulation and an increase in the risk of several diseases) to the effects of poor indoor air quality (adverse effects on breathing and blood circulation and an increase in the risk of several diseases) you can see why this should be a concern.

Physical inactivity due to sitting too long in the office is linked to more than 3 million preventable deaths every year globally. If you combine the two? Well, that's pretty scary to think about.

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